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Registration with DNA certificate and Membership Offer

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Registration with DNA certificate and Membership Offer


Registration with DNA certificate and Membership Offer


Horses and ponies competing in registered palomino classes must be registered and have their passports overstamped by the British Palomino Society.

Once you have filled in this form and paid for registration you must send the order number with:

  • your passport

  • DNA certificate

  • Registration form

  • 6 photographs

    To the British Palomino Society office. (Photographs can be emailed to the registrar at

The 6 photographs should be good quality, taken in good light of the complete view of the animal on hard ground (two from each side, one from the front and one from the rear). If you are posting the photographs, computer printouts will be accepted but only if they are clear, not distorted in any way and are printed onto good quality glossy/matt photographic paper only. Each printed photograph must have the D.O.B of the animal and the name of Sire and Dam written on the back

NOTE: The British Palomino Society will not issue any refunds if the passport is not sent in for overstamping

Cost of membership and registration is reduced to £50.00

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